The Go Circular Week Reengineers National Response to Plastic Waste
In a collaborative effort to reduce Single Use Plastic Products (SUPPs), promote sustainable alternatives and foster innovative solutions, the Ministry of Finance, in collaboration with the Ministries of Tourism, and Environment, through the Sierra Leone Economic Diversification Project (SLEDP), Resilient Urban Sierra Leone Project (RUSLP) and the World Bank Administered PROBLUE launched a week long awareness campaign on plastic reduction and circular economic practices at the Lumley Sport Zone, Aberdeen, Freetown. The event marked a significant step towards environmental sustainability with a focus on addressing plastic waste and the need to embrace environmentally friendly products. It commenced on Tuesday, 20th February, and ended on Friday, 23rd February, 2023.
A symbolic launch of the event was held at the Lumley Beach, followed by a beach cleaning exercise. Other activities include: showcasing of circular businesses and art competition; Early Adopters Day and Green Label Reward ceremony for hotels who have committed to reducing SUPPS; Public Awareness and Roundtable; Plastic Leadership Platform Workshop and Pitch Night on Plastics Circularity.
The event heightened the Government of Sierra Leone’s commitment to plastic management. The Ministry of Environment and Climate Change spearheaded the development of a National Plastic Management Policy funded by the World Bank and approved by Cabinet on the 15th of March, 2023. Draft instructions have been sent to the Ministry of Justice for the development of a Plastic Management bill, and plans for a nationwide consultation for the enactment of the bill. There are other commitments on the part of the Government to strengthening areas including, plastic alternatives and recycling schemes which will entail Early Adopters Programme in different sectors, Promotion of Ecotourism, Green Labelling, Green Taxonomy, Green Market for plastic recycled products and awareness and capacity strengthening for sound plastic management in secondary schools.
Minister of Tourism and Cultural affairs, Hon. Nabeela Fareeda Tunis called on partners to collectively pledge 20th of February of every year, a Plastic Free Day and reflect on the gains made in the response.

The World Bank Group (WBG) disclosed their close working relationship with the government to enact the plastic policy and bring about the regulations that will help operationalize the policy. They will further reinforce their engagements with the Government to ensure that at procurement level, incentives are provided for companies that will be able to specify increase use of recycled materials and the construction of a sanitary landfills that will sustainably manage how garbage is disposed.
The event culminated into a beach cleaning exercise. Six hundred and sixty (660) kilograms of plastics were cleared off the beach. Eighty (80) volunteers got paid through a digital payment system provided by Africell. The plastics were taken from the volunteers and moved directly into a shredder and transformed into shredded plastics which are transformed into building blocks Premier Enviro Solutions Ltd.

An Early Adopter’s Day and Green Labelling Reward was held at the Country Lodge, Freetown on Wednesday, 21st February, 2024. The initiative recognized tourism operators committed to minimizing SUPPs within the Sierra Leone tourism sector. The Green Labelling Initiative and its pioneering approach to SUPP reduction was availed. A public awareness and roundtable on financing improvements in solid waste management and plastic pollution was held in the afternoon hours of the same day at the Freetown City Council.
The 5th Plastic Leadership Platform (PLP) was held at the Ministry of Finance on Thursday, 22nd February, 2024. The event brought policy makers, the private and financial sectors to dialogue on issues around plastic waste management, plastic alternatives and green financing. The PLP was established in 2022 under SLEDP through the World Bank Administered PROBLUE Project. Policy decisions on the reduction of plastics and promotion of plastic alternatives have been influenced through this forum including fiscal policy.

Earlier on Tuesday, 20th February 2024, an exhibition showcasing circular businesses was held at the Creative Hub Africa. Companies practicing SUPP reduction and circularity such as Briquette Making Enterprise, Sulma Design to cite but a few, displayed their recycled plastics and alternative products. Poetries emphasizing the urgency of addressing plastic pollution and visual art competition around plastic waste were later held. Four individuals were honoured with prizes.
A Go Circular Pitch Night was held at the Limkokwing University on Friday, 23rd February, 2024 where students from different universities pitched their innovative ideas in circularity and creative solutions. Three students reigned triumphant and won coveted prizes.
The Go Circular Week was quite extraordinary; it meets the desired impact even though it is the beginning of a coordinated campaign.