Sierra Leone’s Vice President Inaugurates First Ever National Strategic Tourism Plan
As Sierra Leone continues its journey towards transforming the tourism industry into a formidable sector capable of increasing foreign direct investment, Vice President of the Republic of Sierra Leone, Dr. Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh alongside the Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Affairs with support from the World Bank funded Sierra Leone Economic Diversification Project (SLEDP) in the Ministry of Finance, launched the first-ever National Strategic Tourism Plan. Held on 2nd May, 2024, at the New Brookfields Hotel, Freetown, the landmark event was witnessed by high ranking government officials, members of the diplomatic and consular corps, development partners, parliamentarians, local council representatives, and civil society organizations. The National Strategic Tourism Plan which was developed by Journey and Keios Consultants accentuates the unwavering commitment of the government of Sierra Leone to providing a clear vision and decade long roadmap for tourism sector development, supported by a detailed five-year action plan.
In his keynote address, Dr. Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh commended the tourism sector for developing a strategic document that strives for and lays the roadmap for sustainable tourism development. He emphasized the importance of the strategic plan and shed lights on the large investments the government has made in tourism, citing the brand-new airport. He underscored his appreciation in respect of the publicity of Sierra Leone as a tourist destination by leading international media outlets. The Vice President touched on reforms made by government in boosting tourism such as the Visa on Arrival, and measures to ease entry restrictions. He reaffirmed government’s commitment to supporting the implementation of the strategic plan consistent with the President’s strategic drive for economic diversification.
aThe Vice President amid a cross-section of dignitaries at the launching ceremony
Minister of Finance, Sheku Fantamandi Bangura hailed the strategic plan as a masterpiece idea to promote sector growth, highlighting collaborative efforts between the Ministry of Finance and the Tourism Ministry in capacity building, policy formulation, and sites development.
Earlier in her opening remarks, Minister of Tourism and Cultural Affairs, Nabeela Tunis, noted that the strategic plan serves as a roadmap not only to overcome the sector’s challenges but also to cultivate a profitable and sustainable industry that fosters economic growth and prosperity in Sierra Leone.
Minister of Planning and Economic Development Kenyeh Ballay stressed the important role the strategic plan will play in creating jobs for Sierra Leoneans and pledged her Ministry’s support for its implementation.
World Bank Country Manager, Dr. Abdu Muwonge, applauded the Tourism Ministry for its initiative in creating a masterplan that will propel the Sierra Leone tourism forward and emphasized the importance of effectively showcasing the country’s opportunities for marketing purposes.
The event culminated with the unveiling of the strategic plan by the Vice President and the naming of President Bio as the National Tourism Champion for his unwavering dedication to promoting tourism in Sierra Leone.
Minister of Finance, Sheku Fantamandi Bangura.
Minister of Tourism and Cultural Affairs, Nabeela Tunis and the Vice President.
Minister of Planning and Economic Development, Kenyeh Ballay.
World Bank Country Manager, Dr. Abdu Muwonge
Vice President, Dr. Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh displaying the National Strategic Tourism Plan